Most of the energy healing classes conducted by Master P.Balasubramanian take place in a group atmosphere. It is good for members of a group to share their experiences and practice healing themselves in such a conducive environment. Cosmic energy healing is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, creed, nationality and beliefs. As it is basically a scientific system, it is well suited to all types of people with different temperaments and belief systems. |
Cosmic energy is always positive in nature and always does only good. The amount of energy flowing is always exactly as much as the person needs. One also starts to understand more of the energies of ones own body and its very nature. More and more practice can make the person understand themselves and gain a deeper knowledge about their own natures. Peace comes more with a positively attuned body. |
Cosmic energy therapy can bring people closer together. As all of humanity is one inspite of certain perceivable differences, it works the same for everybody, regardless of where he or she comes from or other physical and ideological differences. Different people come with different problems but the solution remains the same, that is, keeping ones hand on the afflicted area. The guidance of a teacher equips the person with more knowledge on how to heal and cure themselves.
Cosmic energy therapy can establish a rapport between the healer and healee which can further enhance the healing process. Cosmic energy goes to the afflicted part and removes the blocks and negative energies whereafter the body heals itself. There is also an aura of energy surrounding every person which too gets healed. An experienced healer can enhance the healing session based on the feedback he gets and the rapport he establishes with his patient. |
Here, Master is receiving a gift from one of his students. Sometimes, prayer objects like this and other holy items can make a healing session more peaceful. Science and spirituality can go hand in hand in energy therapy, as cosmic energy has been called by so many as a form of love. One's faith can help the healing process. |
Here, a mark of felicitation and gratitude is taking place. Since different people come together to participate in healing, such shows of appreciation take place. One can also see how energy therapy has the ability to bring people closer together. |
People of different walks of life having different afflictions come to the healing session to know how to use healing energy to heal themselves. Everyone has got this innate capability to heal themselves. All they need is knowledge and guidance from a healing master. Cosmic energy therapy is holistic in that it heals a person at all levels. |
Master P.Balasubramanian also elucidates on the healing force in detail during a session, as is happening here. Some basic knowledge of the nature of the healing energy always helps students in their own efforts. |
Cosmic healing energy is a sublime and gentle force. It goes only where it is needed and adjusts itself according to the requirement of the one getting healed. There is no question of overcharging or any such thing. It also calms and tranquilizes the person. One also gains more knowledge on where the energy is most needed and also how long to continue the healing. It is a very peaceful and unobstrusive force which gently and gradually brings wellness. When the blocks are released after a healing session, one fells invigorated and refreshed. In the beginning, more energy may be required. But as the body attunes itself further to receive the energy, healing may get more streamlined. |