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Iam author of three Books on ‘Energy Auditing’ and other ten books on "Energy neuro programming" (5 in English and 5 in Tamil). The most popular ones are Future with Nature, Reiki Secrets Revealed, Light the Lamp of Success, Cosmic Road Map of Success and Energy Neuro Programming (e-np), The Ultimate Gateway to Success. I do counseling and support for all problems (Physical, personal, mental, emotional) using Cosmic Make up as service worldwide and holds a Doctorate in Alternate Medicine. I conduct training on personality development.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Hello, everyone. In this post too, a few photographs of the Master Mr. P.Balaubramanian are put up to show the dynamic ways in which the different teaching and healing sessions were conducted for the benefit of students. Again, it is stressed that this is a scientific as well as holistic method which people from all walks of life and all beliefs can practice. The different energy centres, of course, correspond to the different endocrine glands in our body. The hands are used as the medium of transfer purely because they are the parts of the body where the energies can be channelised more efficiently. Everybody has the potential to channel his or her own energy through the guidance of a knowledgable teacher.

Here, the Master and healer Mr.P.Balasubramanian is conversing with and counseling a few of his students on the merits of cosmic energy therapy.
In this photograph, Master P.Balasubramanian is using his hands to scan for problems and heal his student.
Here is a picture of some of Mr. P.Balasubramanian's students felicitating him on one particular meeting.
Here, you can see the Master healing a particular student, while his other students look on.
This is a picture of a particular healing and training session where the important points of touch healing were emphasized.
Here, one can see all of the master's students focusing healing energy at once to heal.
The palms can be used to initiate a student to receive and channel energy for them to practice on themselves later. The energy is freely available at all times, but a small initiation and a channel opening session can greatly help the student to focus their energies better.

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