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Iam author of three Books on ‘Energy Auditing’ and other ten books on "Energy neuro programming" (5 in English and 5 in Tamil). The most popular ones are Future with Nature, Reiki Secrets Revealed, Light the Lamp of Success, Cosmic Road Map of Success and Energy Neuro Programming (e-np), The Ultimate Gateway to Success. I do counseling and support for all problems (Physical, personal, mental, emotional) using Cosmic Make up as service worldwide and holds a Doctorate in Alternate Medicine. I conduct training on personality development.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

The Road Map to Success Via (e–np)


Here is the Road Map to Success in a easy and safe way. This is the only simple guide you will require to climb up the ladder of success. It is through the causeway of Cosmic Energy using mind power. These are the days of e-commerce, e–business, e–banking etc. Hence this new technique has been named e–np (Energy Neuro Programming) to be in tune with the e - minds.

Here, 'Energy' means Cosmic Energy. 'Neuro' means Brain system. 'Programming' means giving instructions to the brain system, using the visualisation and affirmation technique of modern psychology. The unique feature of this technique is that we use Cosmic Energy along with psychology. The Cosmic Energy makes for a faster transformation in the
individual. Hence the road map shown here will definitely change
anybody for good and bring out the hidden potential to achieve the goals and ambitions in life.
 How it works

If we pass Cosmic Energy with conscious intention, energy automatically flows into the individual. The Cosmic Energy replaces the negative energy, i.e. blocked-up emotions, the hurt feelings which everybody keeps within themselves. The Science of Energy Neuro Programming for personality development really makes the person hale, healthy and hearty. Every individual, be it a man or woman, should learn the art. Learning it is a very simple process. Anybody can practise this within a minute, i.e. by just keeping the hand on the body. When the hand is kept on the body, the Cosmic Energy flows into the individual. You do not have to change your value system. You can tell your own prayers, if you like. Also you may make a self-affirmation that "you have become alright". Then it does wonders.

What is the Advantage of this System?

For solving any problem in life we can use this method. There are many systems practised in the world like Pranic Healing, Reiki, Chi-kung, Acupuncture, etc. All the systems are good. Only in this system there is nothing much to learn hard for practising it. God has given this gift to everybody without any bias. Also practising is easy. You can practise it when you are doing your normal work, while watching a television or while even walking on the road. You remove all the negative energies pent up in your system by passing cosmic energy. It is a simple and very effective system and it can be practised by anyone at any time. People do not have time to do prayers, meditation and exercises in this fast moving world. In this method people can practise while they are doing their work, eating, watching television, while travelling. That is the advantage of this system. We do not introduce any rituals, methodologies, mantras, symbols in this system. We are only developing this as a Science. At the same time, it is an Art too.

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