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Iam author of three Books on ‘Energy Auditing’ and other ten books on "Energy neuro programming" (5 in English and 5 in Tamil). The most popular ones are Future with Nature, Reiki Secrets Revealed, Light the Lamp of Success, Cosmic Road Map of Success and Energy Neuro Programming (e-np), The Ultimate Gateway to Success. I do counseling and support for all problems (Physical, personal, mental, emotional) using Cosmic Make up as service worldwide and holds a Doctorate in Alternate Medicine. I conduct training on personality development.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

The kaizen technique for success

K a i z e n  m e a n s continual improvement in
personal life and social life. It is not only for
continual improvement in the
office/industry, but also
for the home. The continual
improvement should also be
adopted at home to achieve
work- life balance. It is
a method for eliminating
waste, based on common

Kaizen principles:
1. Don’t postpone. Fix it, then and there. If there is a

problem, attend to that immediately, like one does in

the office.

2. Don’t look for excuses. Look for doing things positively

and proactively, not reactively.

3. Remove all false notions, discard fixed ideas and do

not make excuses. Go to the root of the problem just

like you do root cause analysis for any non-conformity

in office and do the corrective action so that it does

not become a potential non-conformity later on.

4. Do not try for a perfect solution.
Kaizen Methodology:
Kaizen is a tool to improve life using P.D.C.A cycle


• Have a goal list for personal ambition

• Write it on a paper

• Attack first the items that have a significant impact

• Check on progress and make changes

• Verify the effect of changes and measure results

• Celebrate the success and pat yourself.

We talk of Quality Management System and safety

management industries (ISO 9001/18001) in industries.

We may faithfully implement them in organizations

where we work. But when it comes to our personal life,

we conveniently ignore it. This means that we had not

fully understood the true philosophy of life. There will be

improvement in quality of life and safety in home only

if the same rules of the standard are followed using the

PDCA cycle.

Do you understand my point, my friends?

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