About Me

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Iam author of three Books on ‘Energy Auditing’ and other ten books on "Energy neuro programming" (5 in English and 5 in Tamil). The most popular ones are Future with Nature, Reiki Secrets Revealed, Light the Lamp of Success, Cosmic Road Map of Success and Energy Neuro Programming (e-np), The Ultimate Gateway to Success. I do counseling and support for all problems (Physical, personal, mental, emotional) using Cosmic Make up as service worldwide and holds a Doctorate in Alternate Medicine. I conduct training on personality development.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Cosmic energy therapy practised in the midst of others in group sessions can get good results. Students coming together to learn and practice this art can gain valuable insight amidst their fellow students. The photos shown in this particular post shows some group healing sessions taking place.

Most of the energy healing classes conducted by Master P.Balasubramanian take place in a group atmosphere. It is good for members of a group to share their experiences and practice healing themselves in such a conducive environment. Cosmic energy healing is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, creed, nationality and beliefs. As it is basically a scientific system, it is well suited to all types of people with different temperaments and belief systems.

Cosmic energy is always positive in nature and always does only good. The amount of energy flowing is always exactly as much as the person needs. One also starts to understand more of the energies of ones own body and its very nature. More and more practice can make the person understand themselves and gain a deeper knowledge about their own natures. Peace comes more with a positively attuned body.

Cosmic energy therapy can bring people closer together. As all of humanity is one inspite of certain perceivable differences, it works the same for everybody, regardless of where he or she comes from or other physical and ideological differences. Different people come with different problems but the solution remains the same, that is, keeping ones hand on the afflicted area. The guidance of a teacher equips the person with more knowledge on how to heal and cure themselves.

Cosmic energy therapy can establish  a rapport between the healer and healee which can further enhance the healing process. Cosmic energy goes to the afflicted part and removes the blocks and negative energies whereafter the body heals itself. There is also an aura of energy surrounding every person which too gets healed. An experienced healer can enhance the healing session based on the feedback he gets and the rapport he establishes with his patient.

Here, Master is receiving a gift from one of his students. Sometimes, prayer objects like this and other holy items can make a healing session more peaceful. Science and spirituality can go hand in hand in energy therapy, as cosmic energy has been called by so many as a form of love. One's faith can help the healing process.
Here, a mark of felicitation and gratitude is taking place. Since different people come together to participate in healing, such shows of appreciation take place. One can also see how energy therapy has the ability to bring people closer together.

People of different walks of life having different afflictions come to the healing session to know how to use healing energy to heal themselves. Everyone has got this innate capability to heal themselves. All they need is knowledge and guidance from a healing master. Cosmic energy therapy is holistic in that it heals a person at all levels.

Master P.Balasubramanian also elucidates on the healing force in detail during a session, as is happening here. Some basic knowledge of the nature of the healing energy always helps students in their own efforts.

Cosmic healing energy is a sublime and gentle force. It goes only where it is needed and adjusts itself according to the requirement of the one getting healed. There is no question of overcharging or any such thing. It also calms and tranquilizes the person. One also gains more knowledge on where the energy is most needed and also how long to continue the healing. It is a very peaceful and unobstrusive force which gently and gradually brings wellness. When the blocks are released after a healing session, one fells invigorated and refreshed. In the beginning, more energy may be required. But as the body attunes itself further to receive the energy, healing may get more streamlined.


Monday, 22 May 2017

Hello, everyone. In this post too, a few photographs of the Master Mr. P.Balaubramanian are put up to show the dynamic ways in which the different teaching and healing sessions were conducted for the benefit of students. Again, it is stressed that this is a scientific as well as holistic method which people from all walks of life and all beliefs can practice. The different energy centres, of course, correspond to the different endocrine glands in our body. The hands are used as the medium of transfer purely because they are the parts of the body where the energies can be channelised more efficiently. Everybody has the potential to channel his or her own energy through the guidance of a knowledgable teacher.

Here, the Master and healer Mr.P.Balasubramanian is conversing with and counseling a few of his students on the merits of cosmic energy therapy.
In this photograph, Master P.Balasubramanian is using his hands to scan for problems and heal his student.
Here is a picture of some of Mr. P.Balasubramanian's students felicitating him on one particular meeting.
Here, you can see the Master healing a particular student, while his other students look on.
This is a picture of a particular healing and training session where the important points of touch healing were emphasized.
Here, one can see all of the master's students focusing healing energy at once to heal.
The palms can be used to initiate a student to receive and channel energy for them to practice on themselves later. The energy is freely available at all times, but a small initiation and a channel opening session can greatly help the student to focus their energies better.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

In this post, a few of the various hand positions are shown to illustrate the tactile methods used in touch therapy. The healing energy is always freely available to everyone. One has only to know the proper way to channel it.

In this picture, healer P.Balasubramanian is showing one of the important hand positions used to heal the head portion of the body. Notice the importance given to both the front as well as the back portion of the head.This promotes optimum healing and energy distribution in that area.

Now, let us continue to the neck portion of the body. Here too, you can notice that the back of the part is given equal importance.

This is one of the positions used to concentrate energy flow to the legs as well as the feet, as the master indicates.

Now, we focus our attention to the knees, which too requires copious amounts of healing energy directed to it.

It is also important to sit or otherwise position oneself in a comfortable position, as shown for the healing energy to pass through more freely as well as easily. A relaxed position is always the  most conducive to cosmic energy application.

Now, we come to the heart, for which the positions are shown as in the picture above.

The bottom of the feet can be healed in the manner shown above.

This is the position used to send and channel healing energy to the lower abdomen. Here too the back of the same part is also stressed upon.

This position tries to optimize healing energy to be sent to the back region. A standing position can be adopted as shown above.

The sides of the head can also be healed using this hand position.

This is the position most suited for the eyes.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Here are a few pictures showing the Master Mr.P.Balasubramanian healing and teaching his students in a course undertaken in Malaysia.

Below are a few pictures of energy healing classes undertaken in Malaysia. The master is with his students to heal them as well as teach them the principles of healing for them to learn and practice themselves. One can be taught to channel this universal cosmic energy to heal and cure ourselves, since it is available to all. One has only to be taught to channel this great energy.

See here how the hands are trained to channel this cosmic energy to different parts of the body.

The master Mr. P.Balasubramanian is teaching his students how to channel and recognize the flow of this abundant energy.

You see here how people of all ages and all walks of life can channel this energy to energize their own bodies to heal them.

The master Mr.P.Balsubramanian is training his students to channel this energy to revitalize their systems.

All afflictions can be healed by this art as is taught by the master Mr. P.Balasubramanian to his students.

The different energy centres flowing through the human body can be made to receive this healing energy, as the Master Mr.P.Balasubramanian is illustrating here.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Electro-magnetic Energy is everpresent but called in different terms by people

Many of us would have noticed that a cat, a dog or a lion licks the afflicted parts of its bodies to get relief from pain. It is exactly the same we humans do with our hands. The little animal’s mother's way of licking her baby’s afflicted part to give relief is a perfect example of the secret way the cosmic energy works. Any human or animal for that matter is deemed to radiate heat energy at all times which is nothing but the life energy. This is also called in varying terms and definitions by the people world-over, with Willham Raich terming it Orgone Energy, Mesmer calling it Wild Energy, the Chinese naming it as Shi, the Sufis as Paraaka, the Indians as Prana and the Japanese as Reiki.
This life energy is a form of magnetic ray which, when in its pinnacle, keeps the body in good health. This life energy is not confined to the human race alone; it is predominantly present in all forms of
life in the universe including the stars and the planets. This explains why the same cosmic energy pervades all life-forms in this universe. With the proper guidance and initiation from an able master, this cosmic energy makes it possible to improve the flow of life-energy in the aspirant’s body and remove the hindrances and negative factors and ensure a smooth and improved flow in him. After this initiation the aspirant retains the cosmic energy in his body and the more he practices the more the flow is. Let us learn this divine method and improve our lives to betterment.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

E-np is spirituality Combined with Science

The great scientist Albert Einstein has stated that scientists too are spiritual. Great discoveries were made when scientists were in a spiritual mode. The ‘Theory of Relativity’ led to scientific progress by leaps and bounds. As yet nobody has disputed its validity. Science and spirituality are complementary. Everything that happens in this world happens within the gambit of Divine Grace. Nothing can go contrary to nature. Everything happens in tune with science and nature.
Even a miracle happens within a framework of scientific rules.

Augustene had said: “Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature but only in contradiction to that what is known to us in nature.”
What can be greater than the confluence of science and spirituality!
Herein, I remember this humourous anecdote. A beautiful lady once told Bernard Shaw,“I’d like to marry you. The aghast Shaw asked, “What! You want to marry this face?”
The lady countered, “It’d be great if a child, with your brains and my beauty, is born.”
Shaw mischievously replied, “What if it is born with my beauty and your brains. That would a pity!”
So, what we need is the good use to which science can be put to and the spiritual conduct of life - not the atom bombs of science nor impractical religious dogmas. The joy to be shared for people like me, who have immensely benefited from practising this art of cosmic energy, there exists a great desire to offer this science\art along with spiritual insights to the people. I am an ordinary engineer. After learning this art of life through cosmic energy, I observed that this divine energy has brought great changes in my life!
As the saint Thirumoolar has said :
“Let the world also experience the joy that I have gained.”
The great mantra would stand out as it is held steadfast again and again. Accordingly, I am trying to make the whole world aware of this art through simple techniques and onto this end I render my service.
“If service is rendered to devotees. the state of happiness (ananda) would come on its own accord, O Lord;
Apart from praying that everyone should be happy;
I do not know anything, O Lord.”
So our prayer, as found in Saint Vallalar’s work, is,
“Father, grant my request;
May I love all beings;
That is the only way to atone for all our sins.”
Sri Krishna, in the Gita, counsels us to gain jnana (knowledge) by helping one another.
There is an axiomatic saying -
“You serve the universe and universe will serve you.”
Truth Alone Triumphs
Bharathiyar, the great poet declared - “Let us declare the truth and do good.”
Our idea is also to let the people know the truth and to let many good things happen to them. What do the Vedas say? They do not exhort you to speak only the truth at all times.
‘Speak that truth which would benefit the society’ - say the Vedas.
Throughout the world, so many people are spending a lot of money trying to find solutions to various problems. Bernard Shaw was approached and asked to give a “Golden Rule” for this.
He said, “The Golden Rule is that there is no Golden Rule.”
Therein, in this blog, a natural way/ technique is identified; a process that would help solve problems in life, heal diseases using the boundless energy inherent in you. There is nothing new in it. It contains what you already know. Nowadays, a course that is highly charged for is considered the best. People evaluate a course thus. But the art of cosmic energy (Energy Neuro Programming) is a great technique, even if it is taught in a simple way, without burning a hole in your pocket. You can begin practising it just by studying this blog. If practiced with complete faith and sincerity, great results will certainly follow. This world does not appreciate anyone who dares to speak the truth.
The Greek philosopher Socrates proclaimed:
“Know thyself.”
He was rewarded with a cup of poison. Mesmer, who discovered ‘Mesmerism’ was exiled. The inventors of the aeroplane, Wright Brothers, were first ridiculed as people could not comprehend how an object, heavier than air, can fly. Copernicus, who stated that the earth was round, was stoned. This has been and is the way of the world.
‘Whether you succeed or fail, You'd be ridiculed, such is this world’ - a famous song.
This wretched world would criticize whatever it be that one does. Hence, the best thing, O man, would be to do what you know to be right; do not worry, brother; God willtake care. People should not give up in the face of challenges, but consider them as lessons and continue to achieve in whatever best way we can.

Thoughts to ponder about cosmic energy

I have listed below three thoughts for your consideration.

(i) We have to keep learning all through life. Learning is a continuous process.

(ii) Learn with an open mind. Old thoughts should be done away with as learning involves unlearning.

(iii) First we should know how to live. Learning the art of Cosmic Energy would help us to understand this.
“Man has learnt everything; but has not learnt to live like a human being.”
- Poet Kannadasan.

In the art of life, the primary secret lies in channelizing this energy to accomplish all our dreams. What is surprising is the fact that everyone has this energy in abundance but many are ignorant
about it. What is needed is just a catalyst to unravel it. Thoughts on life, psychological insights,
self-development processes, medicine - we are aware of all these subjects. Extending this
knowledge, let us learn in a detailed and clear manner how to tap this cosmic energy through
a technique known as Energy Neuro Programming (e-np). This technique will certainly reward you in a great way.


The benefits of channeling energy to heal our ailments

Do You Yearn for Success?
In the ‘How to succeed’ series, varied formulae are given. Yet, even after reading such books, why don’t people succeed? Many read these books only like fiction. They are totally unable to put them into practice. If you observe the media, you can notice a lot of attractive advertisements. A whole lot of people are trying to ensnare people through varied promises such as - we will unearth (bring out) your hidden talents in no time and transform you into an achiever; we will lead you on to the Highway of Success; we will crown you with success; don’t let go of this opportunity; this is the novel method of the 21st century etc. Whether it be cine artistes, sportspersons, seasoned politicians or industrial bigwigs - all are attracted by these tall promises. But only disappointment(disillusionment) is in store for them. Beset with great confusion, they are unable to continue their practices. They forget that  success or failure is solely in their hands. In all these exercises, the only beneficiary is the trainer!
Lord Sri Krishna says in the Gita:
“Success begets success.”

In this fast-moving World

‘When in hurry, it is difficult even to put the hand into a pot’, goes an old Tamil saying.
Life today vastly differs from what it was just twenty years back. Food habits, lifestyle and sleep patterns have all changed. We are now running a race to keep pace with the scientific/technical world. Poet Kannadasan says that man has changed and has become vain. Added to it, atmospheric and water pollution, exhaustion, mechanical life style, changed food habits have all greatly affected man’s physical health.
An old, famous Tamil song is translated thus:
“What if the fields yield, brother? We are left with only our limbs.”
But today we are not even left with our limbs in good condition. Allopathy has no lasting cure for all this. Hence people have started evincing interest in alternate Medicine systems, Yoga, Meditation, Prayer, etc.

 Where is peace found?
Science has progressed multifold. But if one ponders as to whether the quality of life has gone up, the answer would be a disappointing no.
In fact, it is going downhill.
Peace is conspicuously lacking. There is no mutual affection/intimacy in family life. Society, too, is found wanting in justice, integrity, righteousness and truth. People tend to justify their wrongdoings by claiming that those who take up unjust paths prosper. This situation prevails not only in the cities, but also in the rural areas.

As poet Kannadasan says,
“There’s war in the shadow of the Truth

There’s war in the lap of Mother Dharma.”
Twenty years back, very few houses  had television. Those days people were quite happy with one TV channel. But today there are at least a hundred channels and some houses have more than one TV box as different members of the same family want to view different channels. Even the same viewer does not stick to watching one channel and keeps surfing channels. TV remote is constantly abused.
Man is not satisfied. Has scientific advancement brought about positive changes in lifestyle? Has it brought happiness to man? These vital questions are left unanswered. In this era of
Information Technology, people are pregnant with information. Man is bombarded with
information. But is all such information relevant to our lives? Luxury items can be bought but happiness cannot be purchased. Medicines can be purchased but health cannot be.
As the song precisely puts it -
“Where’s peace, where is peace, where is peace, I’d like a place there”

“Man yearns for such peace and is still seeking it.”
Conduct of Life
Today all of us are running a race though none of us knows the finishing line.
Energy Neuro Programming shows us the way.
“Joys and sorrows are laws of Nature,
Ups and Downs are man’s creed” - so says our oft-quoted poet Kannadasan.
Life is a veritable roller-coaster. Some moments pass in a jiffy, rest crawl at a snail’s pace.
Some people are always tired. Some do not have appetite and some suffer insomnia.

A thought-provoking song says,
“Sweet life turns bitter,
An embittered life turns sweet.”
All the aforesaid problems can be easily resolved using pure cosmic energy.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Mental affliction and its cure


Mental affliction is an universal disease, as it spares none and is not confined to a particular
religion, caste, sex or creed. But when the mind is cured
of its afflictions, all these problems cease to exist. “A sound mind in a sound body,” as they say. And
Dr.Deepak Chopra opines, “Mind and body are
interrelated. Only when the body is intact, mind is sound.”
A mentally stressed body is under pressure and vibrates negative elements which are effectively countered by infusing positive elements through cosmic energy.
Mental stress affects the brain, which in turn secretes more hormones. More secretion leads to headache, irritation, lack of memory and inexplicable grief. This particularly affects the psychologically weaker women and unshared grief results in heart attacks. The
hypothalamus gland, responsible for our mental state, is controlled to give maximum happiness and bliss.

Life demands a little degree of stress

Sounds contradictory, doesn't it? But its a fact, nevertheless. Modern life of today creates tension, fear and anxiety, plunging us into a state of stress and depression. The result is that diseases strike. This stress is accrued through many reasons ranging from domestic quarrels, sudden and unexpected turn of events, professional deadlines and other reasons of security, economy and emotional dealings. This mental stress may even cause spots and irritation on the skin. When the person faces a tough task in his life, his body naturally prepares itself to meet the crisis. The fight or flight response, as it is called, increases the heartbeat, secretes more of hormones in cartisols, adrenalin and other glands and mixes with the blood. The brain too is readied by the extra supply of oxygen and blood to it to meet the challenge. These biological changes are necessary to combat any new situation
or challenge. Thus stress, though cannot be completely overcome, needs to be kept under control. A life free of stress is not conducive to growth as a over-stressed life is.

how do we quell mental and emotional problems from our systems?

Mental and Emotional problems
Hypocrates, the father of medicine and a Greek philosopher, was the first one to approach the curing of mental stress in a humane way, as it owes its origin to natural reasons. Many suffer inexplicably from mental depression. Some talk on their own, some beat themselves and also others. Nearly
80% of the world’s population is affected by this mental depression. The most intriguing aspect of this mental depression is that it lies in almost everyone without their own knowledge. Its magnifying
proportions come to the fore when domestic, personal and professional problems become unbearable. The heart’s energy centre is the first part to get affected followed by the brain.  Two aspects of mental depression, emotional and mental, are common. While mental depression can be effectively dispensed with in a short period, emotional depression may take a long duration to get cured.
As said earlier, mental stress occurs when unpleasant happenings on personal and professional
frontiers are experienced. A mentally stressed body affects considerably the equilibrium of the hormones secreted. An unchecked stress level may even result in perennial health problems. When the body is under stress, the adrenal glands secrete more hormones and the cartison hormones manifold affecting the white blood corpuscles. Thus, mental depression results in the malfunction
of the body, and diseases strike. The thymus gland responsible for creating body strength to combat diseases shrinks proportionately, causing diseases galore.
 “All that Happens is for Good” – A Balancing Thought
To combat mental depression and stress, place one hand on the chest and the other on the belly to infuse cosmic energy. Mental tranquillity is thus born. We call those who always believe  that all that happens is for good only and look at the brighter sides of life, as optimists These optimists have a high degree of fighting capability in their bodies. But the pessimists, always thinking about the negative aspects of life, easily fall prey to the diseases born out of mental stress. When we are busy working, we intake air through breathing, which produces the toxic lactic acid that infuses a toxic element into the blood. So to control this, we need to affirm ourselves when we breathe air into the lungs.
“I am inhaling a constructive energy-soaked air into my body.”
Thus, doing so filters out the toxic elements out of the body and instills healthy breathing.

What is the price of modern life?

The price that we pay for this modern 21st century life is heavy.
In this fast paced world of fast food and packaged drinking water,we have lost all interest in taking healthy natural foods in fruits, fresh vegetables and juices. Further, the atmosphere and the air are polluted to high levels and the depletion in the ozone layer coupled with drastic changes in food and water qualities has pushed us to a state of turmoil and unhealthy status. Free radicals are born. These degenerative diseases are born of mental stress and tension. For instance an apple turns brown when it is cut. This oxidation process, as it is called, destroys even the good tissues and breeds diseases. This explains why eating of more anti-oxidants is insisted upon. Just like the apple turns brown when cut, out of oxidation, similarly our bodies too undergo certain undesirable changes. When the heart inhales air, free radicals are formed, which affects the good tissues present and results in diseases. To combat this we should intake more anti-oxidants, viz., rich fruits and vegetables such as carrot, tomato, orange and other green vegetables.

What is the scientific method for achieving health and longevity?

According to the research conducted by the Ohio State University, the mental stress hormones of cartisol leukins and interleukins have inter-relationship with each other. It is the inter-leukins
that controls the infectious diseases. An increased presence of cartisol lessens the inter-leukins chemical’s presence and results in diseases. Scientifically speaking, a calm mind cures and heals injuries quickly. It is the inter-leukins that keeps a man happy, healthy and free from diseases.
During exercise, the body produces a hormone called endorphins that dispels the mental fatigue and keeps us healthy and happy. Hence, when exercise is observed daily, the endorphins secrete more and
thus we remain happy. Further, these enzymes reduce the fat content in the blood and protect us from diseases, particularly the heart-related ailments. A one hour walk rejuvenates us and destroys the fat
deposited on the walls of blood vessels paving for a smooth flow of the blood to the body. The mental fatigue results in various afflictions that include irritation, rashes, pimples
and scars on the skin and in women, stoppage of menses release. Further, mental fatigue in pregnant women results in premature delivery of the baby and the subsequent palpitation increases the blood pressure that may end up in chest pain and other heart-related problems. The main cause for all these lies in the hypothalamus gland of the brain, which is responsible for the production of fight or flight response which is opposite of relaxation response in our body and activates the pituitary gland.

How does change in the body occur using e-np and cosmic energy?

Infusion of this cosmic energy decreases your tension and stress considerably. Consequently, your self-esteem, patience and blood flow increase. Positive chemical changes occur paving way for
increased memory power and enhanced intelligence. A serene mind creates satisfaction and content in the work we do.
The following six factors affect the day-to-day activities of a man. They are:
1. Hereditary characteristics
2. The food he eats
3. Thoughts
4. The work he does
5. His surroundings and subsequent situations they create
6. The radiation of the planetary movements.
All these six factors affect a man’s activities. The first four, as already explained, create a positive or negative change in a person’s life. Indians have a lot of faith in horoscopes and planetary movements. If you disbelieve in this front, no harm is done.

Yogiraj Vedadhri Maharshi declares:
“All the problems and difficulties we face imprint on our bodies as afflictions, as negative characteristics on our mind and reflect on our actions”.

How are diseases cured using cosmic energy?

The tissues in our body have atoms in them that contain protons, neutrons and electrons. When the position of the electrons dislocates, the harmony gets affected. The cosmic energy rearranges the electrons in the atoms of the diseased parts. The hereditary genes in one’s body vibrate between 52 and 78 GHz of speed. The same energy can be generated by the usage of the Gigatens instrument. If the problem is on the spinal cord, then the Gigatens is used on the spine region.The Gigatens instrument produces an energy of 52 to 78 GHz, but the missing important factor is the love that is so much part and parcel of cosmic energy therapy. Everything cannot be scientifically explained, as it caters only to a particular section of the people. It is evident even today that cosmic energy works wonders on the afflicted person, by the happiness and thanksgiving anecdotes given by its beneficiaries.The cosmic energy permeating the universe is channelized through the head and released through the hands. Ancient saints adopted this technique to cure diseases. The electro-magnetic field of aura surrounding the human body has the seven energy centres (chakras)
acting as the seven rotors. Only when the energy centres rotate clockwise, the energy gets infused into the body and cures diseases. Even malfunctioning of anyone of these energy centres results in diseases. The potential difference between the seven energy centres is the sole reason of the energy getting infused and this is called the life energy.

How can touch make a difference?

How touch can bring a difference? Indispensable for everyonein this world, the world at large is a combination of 106 elements,which are present in the hormones secreted by the brain. A mere
touch activates these 106 elements and they secrete a chemical via the flesh, tissues, nervous system, glands and other organs to create a change. This positive change is the magic of touch sensation. Even marriage life starts with this touch sensation.Though the touch sensation creates a relationship with the gross body, the psychological change is effected. For instance, a mere stroking on the shoulders creates a feeling of relief, consolation and support on the person. This explains why nature has bestowed upon us numerous nerves of touch-sensation in our bodies.
Advertisements portray their products to create miracles on one’s body, hair and emotions.
But the actual magic lies in the hands that use it. A handshake or clapping of hands is an indication
of the power of hands and emotional inducement it can produce on a person. This touch-sensation
is a protective force found even on the tips of the fingers. This explains why only some are invited for inauguration and other auspicious functions. Many celebrate some doctors as physicians with a healing hand. Even ordinary medicines given by their hands cure all afflictions.
Even the delicacies prepared in the households differ from day-today even if the same ingredients of the same proportion are used. For instance, domestic problems on a given day reflect on the taste
of the food prepared. A warm hug, a firm handshake all fall under this category of touch sensation. Even incidents that touch one’s heart belong to this hand.

Secret of Cosmic Energy : Practice

We want to tell that there is nothing specially required to learn e-np since, the methodologies do not count. In e-np, healing comes only by practice and the practice is "just keeping the hands only". Deepak Chopra says, "Knowledge is power and knowledge has got organizing ability".
The clarity comes only when you read. Unless you read more, you cannot appreciate things. You can read many books, but at the same time practice is a must. Knowledge alone is not sufficient. Swami Sukhabhodananda says, "Have the courage to sing the same song if you believe right, even if the whole world opposes".
Another important thing I want to tell you is, if you heal others, others' problems will not come to you. I am healing people for different diseases, viz. skin problems, heart problem, T.B., cancer, gynaecological problems, etc. Simply touch people with love. The touch feeling is most sensitive of all senses. The skin is the largest organ in the body. You can manage without sense of hearing, seeing, smelling but not without touch feeling.
The feeling of love is expressed more by touch. "He touched my heart". A blind man can easily count the notes by touching it. "His speech touched me". Hence the touch sense is most important of all five senses.

Don’t have the fear to heal people. Initially you may think that disease will come to you. But that will come only when there is no purity in heart, i.e. with the bad intention when you touch people. You can put a white light protection. Have a correct mindset. Deprogramme yourself from the false notions. 
 One gentleman came to me, "I have got throat problem for 15 years, it will not go". I told him to remove the mindset. You have already given a negative programme to your subconscious mind. You have programmed your subconscious mind that it will not go. Subconscious mind only give controls to all the senses. So the negative thinking should be removed first.

That is what cosmic energy does. It works in the molecular level, cellular level. It goes into each and every electron in the atoms of the cells of the affected parts. It rearranges the electrons and brings harmony to the revolving electrons in affected parts of the body.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

The scientific basis of cosmic energy therapy

Cosmic Energy, A Scientific System

Disease is actually depletion or shortage of energy in the body. Cosmic energy supplies the positive energy and removes negativity. When negative energy is removed, energy flow will
be good and the person gets healed. Cosmic energy drawn from universe is beamed/projected from the hand. The energy going is one billionth of a watt at 52 to 78 GHz, i.e. billion cycles per second. In human body the DNA cells vibrate
at 1 billionth of a watt at 52 to 78 GHz. Plants vibrate at 42 GHz and animals at 47 GHz. The wavelength of cosmic energy projected through the hands is the same at which DNA cells vibrate and hence healing takes place. This is the basic explanation of cosmic energy healing. Disease causes short circuit in the body. If there is short circuit, the impedance of the particular part will not match with the impedance of the other parts of the  body. When the impedance matches, energy automatically goes there and body is healed.
The scientific explanation of healing is that cosmic energy reorganizes the harmony of the revolving electrons of the atoms in the cells of the diseased part. When the harmony is established, the disease gets cured. When cosmic energy is passed, blood and energy circulation is established in the diseased part since cosmic energy replaces negative energy with positive energy. Healing procedure is same for all diseases, whether it is heart attack or AIDS or skin problem or depression. You have to keep your hands in the area or on the part of the body.

The electromagnetic field is set around the body since man is a four pole magnet. The head is positive pole, root chakra is negative pole, the right side of body is positive pole and left side is negative pole. The seven chakras in the body are the seven rotors. There is a potential difference between crown and root chakra. When there is potential difference,
there will be current flow and magnetism will be established. electromagnetic field is set up around the body where we have seven chakras.
 The seven chakras absorb cosmic energy like sponge from the universe. All laws of physical and magnetism are applicable to human body also.
The right hand cork screw rule states that when rotor rotates clockwise, current flow will be perpendicular to clock, and for anticlockwise rotation, current flow will be outside. Similarly, if man is healthy, chakra will be rotating clockwise and cosmic energy will be drawn inside the body. By hand scanning, we can find whether the chakra is functioning properly or not. Accordingly we can give energy and energize the part of the body which is energy-deficient.

Scientific Explanation
Life forces are associated with negative entropic characteristics.
The energy field of healers fits into Dr.Tiller’s criteria for negative space/time of substance.
Human subtle anatomy vibrates at speeds faster than ordinary light.
Negative entropy is characteristic of life force.
Subtle Energy Phenomenon
Einsteins Theory of relativity says-
E = MC2
 where C = Velocity of light

E = Energy; V = Velocity; M = Mass ; C=Velocity

The entropy means the tendency towards disorder of system. When entropy is more, there will be more disorder in the system. Dr.William Tiller, Prof. at Stanford University, worked on to apply currently existing scientific models for explanation of certain subtle energy phenomenon.

benefits of meditation with cosmic energy

Meditation produces excellent results for calming and tranquillising the mind. During meditation, a person's heartbeat slows down from 72 to 69 beats per minute. The lungs expand only 11 times against 18 per minute. The need for oxygen drops in a person and he or she becomes serene and peaceful. Lactate is an agent produced by the muscles in the human skull; when tension increases, the lactate level increases. This increase does not bode well for the human system. However, during the practice of meditation, the level of lactate in a person’s blood falls considerably.
There is a proverb which preaches that charity begins at home. So, too, healing begins with self–healing. e–np uses cosmic energy principle and man’s connection to it to merge with the energy of love. e–np strives to generate the positive and vital feelings of love, compassion, harmony and brotherhood in the world.

Cosmic energy for sportsmen

Sportsmen have to keep their body fit and healthy so that they can perform well in sports. Players have to take care of not only their bodies but also minds since concentration is required for success. If cosmic energy is practised regularly, they can have healthy body, mind and spirit.
Cosmic energy dissolves everything which creates tension, unpleasantness and fatigue. We can achieve our goals and ambitions using cosmic energy. Cosmic energy helps to increase the energy and creative power. The blockage in physical, mental and emotional levels is eliminated, thereby increasing the resistance to diseases. Our overall personality will improve which will in turn reflect on health and quality of life.

Other common ailments encountered by sportsmen are disc problem, backache, disc slip, cervical, spondylytis, muscle pain and joint pain. These problems can be overcome if cosmic energy is practised regularly. Stress and disease-free body will enable sportsmen to perform well in sports. Cosmic energy aids allopathy treatment also, thereby hastening the healing process. For mental depression and neurological disorders, cosmic energy is the best remedy. If tranquillisers or anti-depressants are taken, it worsens the situation rather than helping recovery. There is an instrument called Gigatens which is a battery-operated instrument. It supplies the same energy as cosmic energy but it is not as effective as the element of touch is absent. Touch sense is very important and as you touch a human being, a minor volt of electricity is transferred that shoots the neurons in the brain which triggers the generation of neuro chemicals.
The brain is the biggest factory to produce hormones which give us moods and feelings. If you are in good mood, good hormones are produced by brain which are accepted by all the cells in the body. Hence you feel happy. If you are in a unhappy situation, bad hormones are secreted which makes you feel unpleasant. Hence there is a body and mind connection. A sound mind in sound body will follow if cosmic energy is channelled.

The Road Map to Success Via (e–np)


Here is the Road Map to Success in a easy and safe way. This is the only simple guide you will require to climb up the ladder of success. It is through the causeway of Cosmic Energy using mind power. These are the days of e-commerce, e–business, e–banking etc. Hence this new technique has been named e–np (Energy Neuro Programming) to be in tune with the e - minds.

Here, 'Energy' means Cosmic Energy. 'Neuro' means Brain system. 'Programming' means giving instructions to the brain system, using the visualisation and affirmation technique of modern psychology. The unique feature of this technique is that we use Cosmic Energy along with psychology. The Cosmic Energy makes for a faster transformation in the
individual. Hence the road map shown here will definitely change
anybody for good and bring out the hidden potential to achieve the goals and ambitions in life.
 How it works

If we pass Cosmic Energy with conscious intention, energy automatically flows into the individual. The Cosmic Energy replaces the negative energy, i.e. blocked-up emotions, the hurt feelings which everybody keeps within themselves. The Science of Energy Neuro Programming for personality development really makes the person hale, healthy and hearty. Every individual, be it a man or woman, should learn the art. Learning it is a very simple process. Anybody can practise this within a minute, i.e. by just keeping the hand on the body. When the hand is kept on the body, the Cosmic Energy flows into the individual. You do not have to change your value system. You can tell your own prayers, if you like. Also you may make a self-affirmation that "you have become alright". Then it does wonders.

What is the Advantage of this System?

For solving any problem in life we can use this method. There are many systems practised in the world like Pranic Healing, Reiki, Chi-kung, Acupuncture, etc. All the systems are good. Only in this system there is nothing much to learn hard for practising it. God has given this gift to everybody without any bias. Also practising is easy. You can practise it when you are doing your normal work, while watching a television or while even walking on the road. You remove all the negative energies pent up in your system by passing cosmic energy. It is a simple and very effective system and it can be practised by anyone at any time. People do not have time to do prayers, meditation and exercises in this fast moving world. In this method people can practise while they are doing their work, eating, watching television, while travelling. That is the advantage of this system. We do not introduce any rituals, methodologies, mantras, symbols in this system. We are only developing this as a Science. At the same time, it is an Art too.

The difference between cosmic energy treatment and other personal development programmes

The question always rang in my ears. "Why  don't people change" even after reading many self-development books and undergoing many management training programmes?
They will seriously try for a maximum of one week and discontinue. I was trying to analyse the cause. Some are given below:-
1. Methods, even though looking simple, are difficult to practice at all times and at all places.    2. Most of them are complicated and require separate place for practicing.
Most of the self-development books concentrate more on psychology. Everybody suggests in one way or other the "affirmation and visualization" techniques only. In my experience, nobody changes simply by telling "Think positive, Think proactive".

An external force is required to make change. In this blog, I have suggested to make use of the greatest gift that everybody has got within themselves, cosmic energy. Cosmic energy causes the transformation. It goes into each and every cell of the body and makes chemical changes which awaken the individual.
Hence, my formula is: Energy + Thought = Success.
The advantages of this method are:
1. You can do it anywhere, viz. while talking, watching TV and even while travelling.
2. No rituals and methodologies are involved.
3. It is a scientific system.
4. This gift is in everybody's hands. For all problems, just keep the hand.
It has transformed me and many others as well. Hence I am giving the benefit of this experience to all the citizens of the world.

Cosmic energy is available in abundance in nature. Just tap it from Nature. Tapping the energy is also easy. Just keep your hands on your body. Hence enjoy  great future with nature.
Gandhiji said:
"I have learnt more from my critics than from my admirers".
I wish you good luck in the path of self-discovery.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

What is cosmic energy?


Divine Grace is this Cosmic Energy.

It can be so called as it belongs to everyone - to people

of all religions - why it belongs to even non-believers. Just as human blood

is red for all irrespective of caste, creed, nationality or

religion, so also this cosmic energy belongs to everyone.

So also the one Almighty is the same. Blood is red

everywhere, it does not become golden (yellowish) in

America. If it turns yellow, that is a symptom of jaundice.

Blood is red at all times and everywhere. So also it is with

God. We may worship the Supreme Power in different

forms. That’s why it is better to call it the Divine Grace

as it becomes acceptable and recognizable to all.

Home management techniques using 5S and Six Sigma

When I underwent the ISO lead auditor course, the tutor talked about 5S,six Sigma and other similar
techniques which one should earn to be a successful auditor. Their organizations were also
canvassing for Six Sigma blackbelt courses.I did not have money to invest in all these courses and so I thought it would be a good idea to browse the internet and check how it would be useful to me, without spending anything.

5S : Sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain
5S denotes 5 disciplines for maintaining a workplace.
These forms the basis for continuous improvement (called Kaizen in Japanese) of a company. It is also one of the strategy in “Lean manufacturing” (waste removing) concept. I feel we should apply this 5S for our home management first.

1. Sort: Throw away unwanted and unused items from the house. Remove the clutter. This is also called ‘Feng-Shui’. All the stagnant energies will removed from one's house if we follow the above.

2. Set in order: Arrange every item and keep it in their proper place so that they are not scattered around in the house.

3. Shine: Clean the area after the work is over, especially in the kitchen so that it shines and give a good feeling.

4. Standardize:
Arrange and group the things in shelves so that it is easy to locate when required (especially books, tools, etc.) and label them as required.

5. Sustain: This is not a one-day job as we do on the Ayudha pooja day. Remove everything, dust, clean and put in place. It should become a habit and done on a daily basis to achieve a harmonious lifestyle. We should try it everyday to improve upon the above on a continuous basis and adapt ourself to the modified environment. Hence, continual improvement should become a part and parcel of our daily life management system. Only then would we sense good energy flow in our house, which would then lead to a happier and more successful family life.

Good, bad and ugly:

The more we use 5S at home, the more simpler, life becomes and the more things get better and better, day after day. With 5S, we can create a cleaner and safer home environment and hence there would be less tension, confusion and mental stress, thus leading to happiness everywhere. The bad and ugly would be removed and only the good would remain. Share your output with your family members; help others too to follow your example.

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