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Iam author of three Books on ‘Energy Auditing’ and other ten books on "Energy neuro programming" (5 in English and 5 in Tamil). The most popular ones are Future with Nature, Reiki Secrets Revealed, Light the Lamp of Success, Cosmic Road Map of Success and Energy Neuro Programming (e-np), The Ultimate Gateway to Success. I do counseling and support for all problems (Physical, personal, mental, emotional) using Cosmic Make up as service worldwide and holds a Doctorate in Alternate Medicine. I conduct training on personality development.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

The scientific basis of cosmic energy therapy

Cosmic Energy, A Scientific System

Disease is actually depletion or shortage of energy in the body. Cosmic energy supplies the positive energy and removes negativity. When negative energy is removed, energy flow will
be good and the person gets healed. Cosmic energy drawn from universe is beamed/projected from the hand. The energy going is one billionth of a watt at 52 to 78 GHz, i.e. billion cycles per second. In human body the DNA cells vibrate
at 1 billionth of a watt at 52 to 78 GHz. Plants vibrate at 42 GHz and animals at 47 GHz. The wavelength of cosmic energy projected through the hands is the same at which DNA cells vibrate and hence healing takes place. This is the basic explanation of cosmic energy healing. Disease causes short circuit in the body. If there is short circuit, the impedance of the particular part will not match with the impedance of the other parts of the  body. When the impedance matches, energy automatically goes there and body is healed.
The scientific explanation of healing is that cosmic energy reorganizes the harmony of the revolving electrons of the atoms in the cells of the diseased part. When the harmony is established, the disease gets cured. When cosmic energy is passed, blood and energy circulation is established in the diseased part since cosmic energy replaces negative energy with positive energy. Healing procedure is same for all diseases, whether it is heart attack or AIDS or skin problem or depression. You have to keep your hands in the area or on the part of the body.

The electromagnetic field is set around the body since man is a four pole magnet. The head is positive pole, root chakra is negative pole, the right side of body is positive pole and left side is negative pole. The seven chakras in the body are the seven rotors. There is a potential difference between crown and root chakra. When there is potential difference,
there will be current flow and magnetism will be established. electromagnetic field is set up around the body where we have seven chakras.
 The seven chakras absorb cosmic energy like sponge from the universe. All laws of physical and magnetism are applicable to human body also.
The right hand cork screw rule states that when rotor rotates clockwise, current flow will be perpendicular to clock, and for anticlockwise rotation, current flow will be outside. Similarly, if man is healthy, chakra will be rotating clockwise and cosmic energy will be drawn inside the body. By hand scanning, we can find whether the chakra is functioning properly or not. Accordingly we can give energy and energize the part of the body which is energy-deficient.

Scientific Explanation
Life forces are associated with negative entropic characteristics.
The energy field of healers fits into Dr.Tiller’s criteria for negative space/time of substance.
Human subtle anatomy vibrates at speeds faster than ordinary light.
Negative entropy is characteristic of life force.
Subtle Energy Phenomenon
Einsteins Theory of relativity says-
E = MC2
 where C = Velocity of light

E = Energy; V = Velocity; M = Mass ; C=Velocity

The entropy means the tendency towards disorder of system. When entropy is more, there will be more disorder in the system. Dr.William Tiller, Prof. at Stanford University, worked on to apply currently existing scientific models for explanation of certain subtle energy phenomenon.

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