About Me

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Iam author of three Books on ‘Energy Auditing’ and other ten books on "Energy neuro programming" (5 in English and 5 in Tamil). The most popular ones are Future with Nature, Reiki Secrets Revealed, Light the Lamp of Success, Cosmic Road Map of Success and Energy Neuro Programming (e-np), The Ultimate Gateway to Success. I do counseling and support for all problems (Physical, personal, mental, emotional) using Cosmic Make up as service worldwide and holds a Doctorate in Alternate Medicine. I conduct training on personality development.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

The difference between cosmic energy treatment and other personal development programmes

The question always rang in my ears. "Why  don't people change" even after reading many self-development books and undergoing many management training programmes?
They will seriously try for a maximum of one week and discontinue. I was trying to analyse the cause. Some are given below:-
1. Methods, even though looking simple, are difficult to practice at all times and at all places.    2. Most of them are complicated and require separate place for practicing.
Most of the self-development books concentrate more on psychology. Everybody suggests in one way or other the "affirmation and visualization" techniques only. In my experience, nobody changes simply by telling "Think positive, Think proactive".

An external force is required to make change. In this blog, I have suggested to make use of the greatest gift that everybody has got within themselves, cosmic energy. Cosmic energy causes the transformation. It goes into each and every cell of the body and makes chemical changes which awaken the individual.
Hence, my formula is: Energy + Thought = Success.
The advantages of this method are:
1. You can do it anywhere, viz. while talking, watching TV and even while travelling.
2. No rituals and methodologies are involved.
3. It is a scientific system.
4. This gift is in everybody's hands. For all problems, just keep the hand.
It has transformed me and many others as well. Hence I am giving the benefit of this experience to all the citizens of the world.

Cosmic energy is available in abundance in nature. Just tap it from Nature. Tapping the energy is also easy. Just keep your hands on your body. Hence enjoy  great future with nature.
Gandhiji said:
"I have learnt more from my critics than from my admirers".
I wish you good luck in the path of self-discovery.

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