The tissues in our body have atoms in them that contain protons, neutrons and electrons. When the position of the electrons dislocates, the harmony gets affected. The cosmic energy rearranges the electrons in the atoms of the diseased parts. The hereditary genes in one’s body vibrate between 52 and 78 GHz of speed. The same energy can be generated by the usage of the Gigatens instrument. If the problem is on the spinal cord, then the Gigatens is used on the spine region.The Gigatens instrument produces an energy of 52 to 78 GHz, but the missing important factor is the love that is so much part and parcel of cosmic energy therapy. Everything cannot be scientifically explained, as it caters only to a particular section of the people. It is evident even today that cosmic energy works wonders on the afflicted person, by the happiness and thanksgiving anecdotes given by its beneficiaries.The cosmic energy permeating the universe is channelized through the head and released through the hands. Ancient saints adopted this technique to cure diseases. The electro-magnetic field of aura surrounding the human body has the seven energy centres (chakras)
acting as the seven rotors. Only when the energy centres rotate clockwise, the energy gets infused into the body and cures diseases. Even malfunctioning of anyone of these energy centres results in diseases. The potential difference between the seven energy centres is the sole reason of the energy getting infused and this is called the life energy.
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